Wednesday, April 08, 2009

truth always funnier than fiction

so i am having my morning cup of joe at 3:15 this morning and I turn on the tube for 3 imperative did the Rangers do, how are the futures and what's the weather........big win, down 100 and still cold.....

but then i happen to catch a story on Sand Diego Real Estate and how street gangs are now involved in home equity fraud because it is so lucrative, basically getting fake apraisals, taking out huge equity loans, and walking away.........serious stuff brought to you by the very serious natl news....shocking eh? lets hang those dam bankers......first lets cut to a commercial....and no joke....the first commercial is a sock puppet talking to a guy and girl in a bus stop about what suckers they were because they did not have a car....."I have a car" the puppet says to the pretty young even a puppet can get a car.....he goes on to tell them that at 1-800-bar-none EVERYONE can get financing for a new car....EVEN if you have bad credit....'s that effin back to the news, and let's go find the real killers.

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