Wednesday, October 22, 2014


Interesting article about George Brett & Steinbrenner the other day in the Post....I never knew Brett's Dad was from Brooklyn and his siblings were born in Bayridge.... He mentioned how he used to visit his grandmother on Ovington Ave & 4th ave during the late 70',s and ,1980's.......and when Brett's Dad was terminally ill , he went back to visit NYC one last time and the Boss had a driver and a Town Car at his disposal to take him wherever he wanted to go.........thats a classy move .

Funny how Turkey continues to fight the U.S. and NATO over use of their air space to combat ISIS........Turkey is our ally........but last week instead of fighting ISIS, they attacked the KURDS..........the KURDS are the suckers that we are arming to fight ISIS for us.  Because bill Ayers won't let Obama put troops on the ground.........can't make it should be in the paper someday.... After we finish discussing Rene Zellweger terrible facelift.

Great News out of Brooklyn...... The Terriers of Remsen Street are picked to win the NEC Conf this year.......  1 of only 5 of the original 160 Div I schools to "never" qualify for the tourney........could this be the year ?

Big day if drinkin in Hoboken this Saturday..... The HoBOOOken 5 k at 10:00 followed by a visit to Mills Tavern.

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