Wednesday, October 15, 2014

why do i type ?

sometimes i wonder why i spend so much valuable time explaining the universe.....maybe because the internet is forever...we think.....maybe someday in the distant , distant future some insomniac alcoholic will stumble across this blog and validate every single theory that i have ever bothered to share.....well most of them anyway.

where should we start to day ?

anybody seen spoonjiah ?  I mean aside from his daily fundraisers ?  funny how this guy is on TV and in front of every camera when he's feeling good about the world, but slinks into obscurity and hides behind his White House spokesperson when things AINT so's been 25 months since he drew a line in the sand for Assad.......and 13 months since Assad crossed that line by Gassing his own people and Spoony & Kerry went on National TV to say the U.S. would "Go it Alone" to stop Assad ......i mean the Great Reformer as Hilary calls now appears that the Chemical weapons that Saddam Hussein snuck out of IRAQ and sent to SYRIA are in the hands of ISIS and being used across the region.......don't look for thet story on the evening news, but its out there if you bother to look.

anybody seen BO ?

well obama did admit to eating DOGS in childhood with his dad in indonesia.......maybe BO found himself in a stew pot in the blackhaus kitchen.........just saying, i aint seen that dog in front of the cameras lately either.

the Military ? well this self loathsome muslim skumbag is hell bent on destroying the country, and that destruction wont happen overnight, but it is well in motion as we speak.......he is obviously trying to demoralize, degrade and destroy our greatest assett, which is a volunteer military force....our veterans administration is a disgrace, our wounded Vets are treated like shit, and our active duty is being shipped to West Africa to fight ebola........or my catch ebola and bring it home.........he has said language to the effect that Americans do not show empathy to Africas plight because it is only on TV and so far away.......he wants to bring it here.....whip us into a media endued frenzy , and then announce emergency "SPENDING" to combat the virus......aka cash evnelopes to the african warlords.

anybody notice that our NATO allied friend TURKEY refuses to allow use of their airstrips for U.S. fighter Jets to attack ISIS ? ?  you would think that would be front page news......remember when we wanted to attack France for not supporting us post 9/11 ( Never forget, blah, blah, blah)....yes, well turkey gets the silent treatment.........they fukin hate us and they are apart of NATO....we are doomed from within like all great houses.

and John Kerry is partnering with Russia and IRAN for help against ISIS.............if I was Isreal I would be very, very afraid........when friends like us, who needs moslems...........and susan silverman and all the CK's in Miami beach have themselves to blame............

oh, if only life was as easy for us as it is for Mayor Deblasio...........when life gets you down and someone asks a tough question or you don't want to deal with reality......just utter these 2 little words and all the bad stuff goes away...."Case Closed"..........and so we are told to move along.....and i barely noticed the strings attached to his back that the Rev Al sharpton was pulling.

oh ...sorry....this is a Hockey Blog.......i said it before and i'll say it again and again until some 23rd Century Nerd discovers my work and i become hailed as a modern day NOSTRADAMUS..........lundquist sucks.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That's good Tomcat...get it all off your chest...if you start holding things in, next thing you know you're passed out on the floor of PC's Pub and awakening to see El Diablo standing over you-Duff