Thursday, January 28, 2016

Nigro cont'd

I'm not saying FDNY commissioner Nigro is guilty of anything, maybe it sb SOP to shovel out the homes of top brass in case they need to respond to an emergency, and we know the NY Post crosses the line from time to was definitely premature to call for his termination before the investigation has even begun.


For Bill Bratton to somehow claim that Nigro be given a free pass because he was at the base of the Towers on 9/11 is embarrassing and condescending to everyone that was there that day and has managed to dust themselves off and follow the rules without using those attcks as a crutch to explain our failures or misdeeds.

I think Bratton was trying to come to the defense of a colleague , and that is understandable....... But he crossed the line with that reference...... And I tend to think Daniel Nigro would agree.

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