Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Somebody's in Denmark besides Phish

First let me apologize to all the Battalion CHIEFS out there for my delay in addressing the seizure of 10 US Navy personal in the Persian gulf last week...... I was preoccupied planning Chaz higgins surprise 51st birthday at Arthur's...... It was a lot of work , but just seeing the look on his face when he opened his present was worth the price of admission.

Seriously though..... I am perplexed.... I spent 4 months in the Persian gulf in ship was one of many that were patrolling those waters with our good friends the IRAQIS , ensuring that tankers carrying oil and or cargo were safe from the Iranians..... At that time the standing orders from Mister Reagen through Casper Weinberger and John Lehman ( I served under some pretty impressive leaders) was that never, under any circumstance, was a ship to be boarded or seized by ANYONE..... Let alone our enemies..... It was understood that you would defend that ship with your life..........I can't say if that was a documented order or just a verbal understanding......but for Chrissakes, our motto is DON'T GIVE UP THE SHIP.

I am confused as to what exactly happened over there......did we loose power and radio contact at precisely the same time ??.....the odds of that are ridiculous...... So was this an aggressive act by Iran to jam our radar, take down our communications ? That's an act of war.....and should have been answered with force......even if it meant death................if we were in communication with the rest of the fleet, where was the help ?........the gulf is small......we have dozens of ships, carrier groups and bases within minutes of the isle of Farsi..... Where was the help ?
Did this particular boat commander just wuss out under pressure ? He sure was quick to apologize...... And the images of the 10 lounging on Arabian Rugs and stuffing their faces made my skin were a hostage for 12 hours, your not gonna starve to death or dehydrate...... Disgraceful.

So many questions remain.... But seriously.... Under the most transparent presidency in history ( barry Hussein's words, not mine) we still can't get answers on Benghazi all these years later....why would we expect the administration to be forthcoming or the media to pursue the story.

Obama, his press secretary, horse face Kerry and gentleman Joe Biden all rushed to the microphones to praise IRAN and their newfound diplomacy.... Lift sanctions, unfreeze billions....... The only person on the scene missing was the jack of hearts..... And Susan Rice.

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