Tuesday, October 25, 2016

I wanna be elected...

So I woke today with that great Alice Cooper song in my head...."I'm your Yankee Doodle Dandy in a gold Rolls Royce....I wanna be selected...... we'll Rock to the rules that I make...I'm gonna be elected".......oh if only a fine upstanding citizen like Mr Alice Cooper was on the ballot........ anyway I digress.....you know I am always on guard against something, always trying to anticipate and prepare for the worst and so I switched hats.... looked at this election from our enemies side.....this has been the ugliest, devisive and unsettling election that I can remember......and no matter the results, a lot of people are going to be more than upset with the result.... despite crooked Hilary and her pandering, she sure as hell isn't going to be quick to accept the results if she looses.....and we know Team Trump will not go quietly into that good night.....there is a real potential for violent protests from both sides.....so how can our enemies exploit that ?? By planting seeds of doubts......power outages, cyber attacks, false reports of voter tampering....it's pretty easy with the knee jerk media to start a tsunami of wildly false reporting....it happens naturally during every disaster.....can you imagine if it's preplanned and well prepared ?........ I just might take off election day and drink beer with my dog and listen to rock n roll......... kind of like every other Tuesday.

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