Thursday, August 15, 2019

And it appears to be a long

It appears to be a long time,
Yes, a long, long, long time before the dawn (D.Crosby)

They say the darkest hour is just before the dawn and I believe that is true, but what keeps me up at night is the fear that we’re a long way off.....which means the near future will get increasingly darker.....I’ve been talking a lot lately about the incivility between the left and the right and the reaching of a point of no return ...during the horrible 8 years that Barry Hussein was in charge I never let my disdain for him override my love of country ....sadly the same cannot be said for those suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome......yesterday I watched as members of the Main Stream Media couldn’t contain their glee and verbally tripped over themselves as they reported that the Dow Jones was down 800 points......”could this be the start of a recession “ they asked....”is it Trumps fault because of tariffs “ this the beginning of the end of his Presidency? would have been comical if it weren’t so serious.....these self loathsome cretons hate our President so much that they are rooting for economic failure In hopes of winning an election..........I personally agree with the tariffs and the hard line we are taking with China....this may be our only chance to slow their regime.....I don’t want a deal with China because I don’t think we can ever trust them or expect future administrations to enforce the deal .......SO......I think 5 more years of tariffs and extreme economic pressure will force companies that currently do business in China to look elsewhere...which in turn will weaken their economy further and ultimately stagnate their desire to rule the world....I think the American consumer has to make a concerted effort to buy American made products and absolutely boycott anything and everything made in China........I think and hope that President Trump understands that China is a significant threat and we are not ready to fight them on the battlefield....we have to fight them economically.......I do wish the President would stop criticizing the Federal Reserve and I hope that the Fed does not cave in and lower for America down the road? ..........President Lincoln forewarned “A House divided against itself cannot stand”...............and David Crosby followed that up by  foretelling  . “It's been a long time comin'
It's goin' to be a long time gone”

Apologies for the doom and gloom, but it’s getting harder and harder to find the lighter side of this life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Buy American - drink a little of the Jack!