Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Well the sound keeps rollin

And the band plays on , somebody’s favorite tune....
And the roughs in your ears obliterates your fears,
And you can’t get off too soon ( Kaukonen)

It seems the upside down insanity train that is the world today just keeps rolling..... The NYPD Police  Commissioner has fired a policeman for doing his job......the 500 pound slob that died that day refused to be arrested by 2 auxiliary cops and two uniformed officers...he put his own life in jeapordy by refusing an order to put his hands behind his back.....and then a black female Sargent ordered plainclothes officer Daniel Panteleo to “ take him down “ ....and officer Pantaleo followed an order and took the slob to the ground and handcuffed him.....the other 4 cops then and only then; jumped in and helped subdue the handcuffed individual.....the female Sargent stayed out of video range and will probably avoid scrutiny or prosecution....Pantaleo should sue the city....but the biggest price we all will pay is having an indifferent police force....and can you blame them ? I don’t....the police are being reduced to a diversified group of report takers....no longer fighting/preventing crime and the blood of all future victims of violent crime is on the hands of Deblasio...Commisioner O’Niel.....and Police Chief Monahan.......

As a follow up to my mainstream media and the fake recession post...... the Dow Jones Industrial Average rose from 18,500 on Election Day 2016 to the 26,000 mark last month......(that’s 7,500 points for you Bishop Ford Graduates ) .....and how many times in the last 3 years did you hear any of the MSM networks tie that news to President Trumps financial policies? ? Yep, me neither......but last week they all gleefully learnt a new phrase.....the inverted yield.....sure fire proof that a recession is coming....and every one that read a TelePrompTer followed that up by speculating that THIS was the result of the tariffs........funny if it wasn’t so sad.

A fairness shoutout to WCBS channel 2 news.....they have a new commercial that is the playing of the National Anthem......with incredible views of New York City, the American Flag and the heartland..... I watched it twice and the cynic in me could not find ANYTHING to complain about.....why they even showed the military, great job CBS...... I was honestly choked up watching.

Hang in there friends, perhaps there’s still a twinkle of light to be found.

“You got to overlook the madness cause the spirit is blind...and you’re feet don’t seem to know what to do “

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