Tuesday, August 27, 2019

waive the white flag

the New York city school system has officially surrendered....with the elimination of entrance exams to the best high schools they are once again punishing success....no more merit based admissions......this simpleton racist Carranzo doesn't understand or seem to care that the gifted students who work hard and take their education seriously are the reason the Delta Program and specialty high schools succeed.....its not a magic building or classroom......if you drop basic knuckleheads into these programs they will not become a genius overnight...but that's what they want to do......which of course will effectively bring everyone down to the shit level instead of raising a few kids up to the next level.....affirmative action for 50 years hasn't worked......billions of dollars hasn't worked......we can't raise stymie to a level of success, so what do we do ? ?  let's bring the white and Asian kids down to the thug level...…..great job deblasio.

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