Thursday, September 23, 2021

oh time is short

 and the days are sweet

 and passion rules the arrow that flies

A million faces at my feet but all I see are dark eyes  (Dylan)

saw a blip on the news that the vaccine mandate has an exception for religious reasons.....i'm curious as to which religions they are talking about ? did religions that were founded before vaccines existed have provisions or rules in their bylaws that forbid their members from receiving something that didn't exist ?

are these religions against modern medicine in general ? if so, do these people have to buy health insurance like obama care or are they exempt from that as well ? do these religions pick and chose which  medical treatments go against their foundation ?  i'm not mocking ....i'm genuinely far as i am concerned you can worship and believe whatever you want can even worship a cow if you like, and let millions of people starve to death while the Bovine Majesty avoids the grille.

BUT.....and this is interesting.....the talking head on ch 5 ( the lovely Bianca Peters) pointed out that POLITICAL beliefs were NOT grounds for an exemption ? just think about that for a moment ? in this country in the year 2021, Political Beliefs are the most divisive issue we face.......Political Beliefs are twice as strong as religious beliefs......Political beliefs are breaking apart families and ending friendships.....not religion..........i personally am in favor of vaccines for anyone and everyone that wants a vaccine......i detest mandates....they go against everything this country has fought for.....the politicians are using vaccine mandates to punish and separate the opposing party or anyone with a differing opinion.........i ask anyone who supports mandates.....what would you do if in 5 years the ruling party decides that population growth is the number 1 issues for global warming....and that if we do not curb over population we can not survive as a planet....and so a new vaccine has been created to render half the worlds male population impotent.......and since the white male has historically been the "Bad" guy .....all white males over the age of 21 must be vaccinated to prevent them from procreating's a global is what it is .....refuse the vaccine ? you can not work, eat or live in this country will be extradited to a remote island.......sounds ridiculous ? could never happen ?  the people would never stand for it..... there would be a revolution ..........there are some that feel it's happening already....what if you learned in 5 or 6 years that the covid vaccine rendered portions of the recipients shocked would you be ?

the absurdity of today is the precedent of tomorrow. Hitler didn't outlaw Judaism was gradual at first.

**ihave been asked on occasion if someone can share my posts.....all i ask is that you cut and links to the blog...and please don't give me credit...i have to keep my job for a few more years, thanks Matteau Matteau***

They tell me to be discreet for all intended purposes
They tell me revenge is sweet and from where they stand, I’m sure it is
But I feel nothing for their game where beauty goes unrecognized
All I feel is heat and flame and all I see are dark eyes


alvarez said...

"Per phone conversation I met with #2 son. He wants $2 per year retainer +++ success fees. He wants to hire his own people - it can be close circle of people for confidentiality. His dad is deciding to run or not.

His positives are he is Chairman of UN World Food Program, son of #2 who has Libya file, access to State, Treasury, business partner SofS [Secretary of State] J. [John] Forbes K [Kerry] son and since he travels with dad he is connected everywhere in Europe and Asia where M. Q. [Muammar Qaddafi] and LIA [Libya Investment Authority] had money frozen. He said he has access to highest level in PRC [China], he can help there.

His negatives are that he is alcoholic, drug addict - kicked [out] of U.S. Army for cocaine, chasing low class hookers, constantly needs money-liquidity problems and many more headaches.

We should meet in Gstraad or London to decide next steps."

Hey Chreeeeese?

I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.

Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!

did some mention religion? I'm in the steve parrish of the church of jerry...

Lord made a lady out of Adam's rib, next thing you know, you got women's lib.
Lovely to look upon, Heaven to touch;
It's a real shame that they got to cost so much.

ha ha ha - the end is here!

whoShotHoss said...

Can't speak for other religions but, being a Catholic, coercion into satanic practices by pagan governments is as old as the Faith itself, whether by food, drink, or, in this case, a so-called "vaccination."