Thursday, September 30, 2021

they fill us full of lies, everyone buys

 Bout what it means to be a soldier

I still don't know how I'm supposed to feel

'Bout all the blood that's been spilled

Will god on this throne

Get me back home

On the day after tomorrow   ( Tom Waits)

it's been almost 30 years since our Commander in Chief was a true military man ( ie served in something other than the national guard or went to boarding school). George Bush Sr.

and in that time our troops have been continually used and treated as chess pieces on the political board of life....politicians are careful to say the right things about the troops and how much we appreciate their sacrifices, the NFL trots a BIG FLAG on veterans weekend and baseball sings God bless's all the end of the day they view the military as a necessary evil....a pawn...a piece on the global stage to move around and frighten or influence our enemies. 

the latest indignation came as all 3 high ranking members of the joints chiefs of staff testified on Capitol hill that they recommended 2,500 to 5,000 troops remain in Afghanistan and at the very least  that we not draw down below that level until our evacuation was complete....they also said they warned/advised that the Afghan Govt would indeed collapse if we left......the President sat down with his boyfriend george stephanopolous in august and lied to the American public when he said those two things were never mentioned.........his incompetence lead to 13 Dead American Serviceman..and why ??  well it sure looks like he was already working on his glorious victory speech on the 20th anniversary of 9/11....a speech where he cemented his legacy and patted himself on the back for being the Great President that ended the war......he deserves an ice pick in each eye......but hey...he did show up to Dover Air Base and welcome the coffins home......In truth , we will probably never elect another president who has served in the Military.....unless it's a transgendered moslem refugee who spent 6 weeks in the coast guard blowing everybody on governors's over

I just do what I've been told
We're just the gravel on the road
And only the lucky ones come home
On the day after tomorrow


alvarez said...

how do you know when they are lying...when they are moving their lips...fuck joe biden, trump won...

give no quarter...and get will be over soon for these commie more ammo...where's chriiiiiiiiiis?

whoShotHoss said...

Interesting blog post here:

I'm sure there are A LOT of vets who don't like the way things are going. Interesting times ahead of us.