Monday, September 13, 2021

someone's gonna have to explain it to me

 i'm not sure what it means (j. Browne)

this anniversary was by far the hardest one feels sometimes like everyone is conspiring against me.....they are coming at me from every angle.....the world of sports and concerts , two healthy diversions from hard realities for so many years have kicked me while i was down.....the military has let me down....the pentagon and the armed forces are singing for their supper and covering up for the establishment...and who pays the price ? the man in the field.

i tried really hard to avoid it all this year......i was on the beach with a cooler of beer and no TV or radio as early as possible on saturday.....was hoping somehow it would just pass......i thought i succeeded for the most part.......until i woke up sunday for coffee and made the mistake of turning on the news.

the ultimate FUCK YOU apparently occurred saturday morning at the site of the World Trade the reading of the names.......bruce "41 shots" springstein sang one of his new songs for the grieving masses.......the piece of shit that profited off a song vilifying and convicting 4 members of the NYPD before they were rightfully acquitted in the amadou diallo shooting.....this low life cocksucker who swindles and convinces the hypnotized masses that he's one of them...a regular collar through and through , a lives in a gated mansion with private security detail , but wants your police defunded.....this pimple on the ass of society must have laughed the night away after being allowed to play at ground zero on the 20th anniversary of 9/11.......i unequivocally give up.......their is no rock bottom.......our society can always find a way to sink lower.....

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