Tuesday, December 07, 2021

80 years

 “Yesterday, December 7, 1941—a date which will live in infamy—the United States of America was suddenly and deliberately attacked by naval and air forces of the Empire of Japan.”  (FDR addressing Congress)

2400+ Americans were killed that day.....the Japs made a strategic move to destroy the United States Navy and rule the seas for the remainder of the global war....the United States was ill prepared and our servicemen paid the price......sound familiar?

But the one thing that didn't show up in all the japanese plans for global domination was the resiliency of the American serviceman...particularly the Navy.....and the sheer brilliance and street smarts of our Admirals like Bull Halsey, Chester Nimitz and Ray Spruance.( I put Halsey first because he is from Elizabeth NJ and  my personal favorite, his biography is essential reading)

Under this Holy Trinity of leadership the United States Navy  rose from the ashes......dusted herself off, rebuilt and ultimately destroyed the Godless Bastards of the Japenese Empire.(today their descendants are left to make tiny radios and eat sushi off naked models in tokyo)....and when brought to her knees, the Nips were forced to come aboard the Mighty USS Missouri to sign away their unconditional surrender in Tokyo bay.

i shudder to think about how this country will react when the next pearl harbor happens, but that's a rant for another day......today we reflect back on the poor souls and countless lives that were lost that day, the thousands of families that were changed forever.....we hope and pray that a valuable lesson was learnt, one that will prevent future generations from having to endure similar atrocities...but i won't hold my breath.

Blue of the mighty deep, Gold of God's great sun;

Let these our colors be, Till All of time be done-n-n-ne;

On seven seas we learn, Navy's stern call:

Faith, courage, service true, With honor over, honor over all.

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