Wednesday, December 08, 2021

The Wheel is turning

 and you can't slow down,

can't hold on and you can't let go (Garcia-Hunter)

sometimes i wish i was pulling your leg.....i wish it was just a joke or an exaggeration of the truth.

Doctor Gindaloon Fauci says the ban on travel from South Africa was made at a time when we were really in the DARK,  he went on to say 

"We all feel very badly about the hardship that might have been put upon not only South Africa but the other African countries.".

so my first question is...if you were in the Dark 8 days ago.....what level of enlightenment did you enjoy 18 months ago ? when you decided to shut down America, issue mask and vaccine mandates and block all international travel to and from the USA ?  and do you all feel "really bad" about the HARDSHIP you inflicted on the American Public....especially bars, restaurants and hospitality industries ?  i mustve missed that admission of guilt and apology to the American People.

my second question......should any nation ever make sweeping changes to policy while admittedly being in the dark ?  (  especially since our 180 degree turn around occured just a day after the WHO cautioned Nations about overeacting ?  who the fuck is calling the shots in this country ?  senile joe went on tv over the weekend and joked about President Fauci being in charge....oh how nice it must be to be a simpleton.....where you can stare in the face of danger but your brain is too far gone to comprehend.

Crime ? what Crime ??  Philadelphia DA "Uncle Larry" Krasner  is insisting there is no crisis or cause for alarm.....he was nicknamed "Uncle Larry" by the criminal population because he is so soft on crime....but the city's african-american ex-mayor Micheal Nutter says otherwise.

“It takes a certain audacity of ignorance and white privilege to say that right now. … I have to wonder what kind of messed-up world of white wokeness Krasner is living in to have so little regard for human lives lost, many of them Black and brown, while he advances his own national profile as a progressive district attorney.”'s worth noting that homicides and shooting have doubled since 2019 ( they took 2020 off because of the pandemic)

Crime ? what Crime ??  Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot is placing the blame for crime on the retailers themselves......again....not pulling your leg ...she blamed retailers for not hiring more security guards and for not having operational cameras to record thefts ......let that sink in.......she collects enormous tax dollars from the business's on Michigan Avenue, then denies them basic police protection through her defunding and villifying of the men in blue and NOW she wants those same business to go out and hire private security ? ....why stop there .......insist that they drive their own trash to the local dump and put out any fires with a garden hose ......oh....and return their tax $$

Putin ? what Putin ? not sure if i have the stomach today to talk about the 3 ring circus that is our foreign policy....but a few bullet points may suffice.

*Biden shut down the Keystone Pipeline in the USA

*Biden gave a greenlight to our NATO ally Germany to proceed with a Pipeline to buy gas from Russia, no concessions from Putin, no demands that he NOT invade anyone...a financial windfall for mother russia.

* Putin puts 75,000 troops on the ukraine border and hints at an invasion

*biden caves and asks Putin not to invade and is getting ready to agree to NOT add Ukraine to NATO as an olive branch ....the leader of the free world continues to shit on democracy around the world and also shit his pants.

Small wheel turn by the fire and rod, Big wheel turn by the grace of God, Every time that wheel turn 'round, Bound to cover just a little more ground.


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