Thursday, July 14, 2022

everyday things change

 And the world puts on a new face

Certain things rearrange

And this ol' world seems like a new place  ( Smokey Robinson)

"Read the polls Jack, 92% said they'd vote for me"

that was an angry old white man reacting to a question about a poll that says 2/3rds of registered demonrats do NOT want dementia Joe to run again.......his defense was to site the other poll that did say 92% of them would vote for Joe if he was their candidate........well ...that's apples and oranges.....obviously demons will vote for whomever their candidate is.......but the original poll shows that 66% of them don't want Joe..........I too will vote for whomever the Republican nominee is, but that doesn't mean my choice will emerge as the party nominee.

" a 10 year old Ohio girl was raped and had to go to Indiana for an abortion" that too was sleepy Joe last week.......he was outraged......he was filled with anger and empathy for that girl and all women.......2 problems.....not true....the Ohio Attorney Gen quickly pointed out that Ohio has a provision to allow abortions in cases of rape.......but here is the real reason you won't hear about this little girl ever again.

she was raped by an ILLEGAL ALIEN....Gerson Fuentes was in this country illegally and he raped a 10 year old child........the left thought this story would be the poster child for the summer and run up to November...but it turns out , instead of highlighting the abortion issue, it reminds the public about the crisis at the border that the MSM is ignoring........the liberal doctor who shared this personal information about the abortion to the media shuld be facing charges for violating HIPPA....but hell....the spoonjiah queen that stabbed Jose Alba in the bodega (before he put simple simon to rest) hasn't faced any charges........and the charges against Alba STILL have not been dropped.

Go Fund Me, Go Fuck Yourself.

These miserable fucks took down a Go Fund Me account that was setup to raise bail for Mr Alba....not the first time these liberal pricks have done this.....they also shut down a campaign to raise money and support the Canadian Truckers.........but any sambo that wants to raise money for hot sauce or  to buy new hubcaps is OK........anyone who wants to raise money to help people get abortions ? ok .....anyone who wants to raise money to fund BLM and anti-police protest ? OK.....riase $ for Kyle Rittenhouse defense attorney's ? NOT OK.......go fuck yerself go fund me.

i'm a little excited today.....maybe it's the early morning heat.....maybe it's because the doctor imposter jill biden called my Mexican friends Breakfast Tacos , who knows.....maybe i just need to smoke crack in a pool and film it like Hunter.

What's this ol' world comin' to?

Things just ain't the same

Anytime the hunter gets captured by the game

Oh, yeah

1 comment:

alvarez said...

I think I know why you are know the let's go mets go collapse is coming, you fear it could be mid-september - or god forbid, the last weekend of the season...why couldn't they have been eliminated memorial day, so you could focus on enjoying a cold beer and laughing about willie brown and kamala harris, or fjb and his daughter ashley...
