Thursday, July 21, 2022

what is the truth and where did it go

 Ask Oswald and Ruby - they oughta know

Shut your mouth, says the wise old owl
Business is business and it’s murder most foul ( Dylan)

this is not humor, not satire, not me making light or playing loose with the facts.....i offer for your purview a direct quote from the president of the United States of America.

"My mother drove us rather than us being able to walk and guess what? The first frost, you know what was happening? You had to put on your windshield wipers to get literally the oil slick off the window. That’s why I and so damn many other people I grew up with have cancer and why for the longest time, Delaware had the highest cancer rate in the nation," Biden said.

so.... did POTUS just say he has cancer?  he was giving a speech in Massachusetts and was blaming/targeting oil refineries......i definitely do not get the connection with his mother driving him, but that's a blabbering Old Old man.....the windshield wipers and the first frost? your guess is as good as his......but when he says " that why i have cancer".......that can't be attributed to a speech impediment.
that is not the same thing as mixing up country's names or shaking hands with the invisible man....that's not the same thing as confusing which year he graduated from high and boasting that he was offered a scholarship to the Naval Academy (when he was not)......either has cancer or he has dementia.

the fact that none of the mainstream media even bothered to report this latest "gaffe" is more proof that they are IN on it........either the President of the United States just deliberately lied about his own health....or he is too old, demented and incompetent to perform his duties as leader of the free world....there's NO middle ground on this the fuk can his wife.....a supposed medical professional; allow this man to continue to embarrass himself and destroy his own legacy ? my guess is that he has probably been cheating on her the whole marriage and this is her revenge.....she's lining her pockets and destroying him at the same time.......there is no doubt in my mind that Hunter dropped off that laptop as revenge against his father....even though it would destroy him as well.......nobody saves that much incriminating evidence against themselves and their cohorts on a lap top ...and then brings it in for repair.....and then doesn't pick it up.........he obviously did NOT want the added scrutiny and spotlight of being the Presidents' son.....he was deliberately trying to derail his fathers' political career.

stay tuned for this one.

Freedom, oh freedom, freedom over me
Hate to tell you, Mister, but only dead men are free

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