Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Theres a dragon with matches


loose on the town
Take a whole pail of water just to cool him down  ( Hunter/Hart)

thanks for nothing....NYC political blowhards AOC and Scmucky Schumer did not have a single press conference, tweet or press release in defense of Bodega worker Jose Alba.....they allowed their latino immigrant constituent get sent to Rikers and charged with Murder in his self defense killing of a career criminal (simple simon)....they remained silent as Go Fund Me took down a grass roots movement to raise money for his bail........thankfully the Association of Bodega workers and the local community took matters into their own hands....they raised bail and protested daily outside the DA's office, Fox news continually  aired footage of the older man defending himself against a young punk, and finally yesterday...that POS alvin (nothing to bragg about) dropped the charges. In her defense...AOC was pretending to be arrested in DC yesterday.....she placed her hands behind her back  "as if" she was handcuffed as she was led away from the demonstration...but this dumb (fill in the blank) couldn't resist giving a raised fist salute to her follower....thus blowing the handcuff ruse.

it's hysterical to see all these liberals worked up over crime these days....what exactly did they think the outcome of defunding/disparaging/blaming the police would be?

Mayor Bowser ( an insult to real dogs) is crying because  the DC homeless shelters are overrun with illegal immigrants that have been shipped up from Texas by Gov Abbott......she says the illegals are being tricked to get onto buses bound for DC .....she may be on to something.....who the hell would willingly visit the nations' capital,,,,,but seriously; she is making Abbotts point for him......why should Texas shoulder the burden of all these illegals ....let's let the sanctuary cities take their share.

don't listen to these meterioligists.....drinking ICE COLD BEER is the only way to survive a heat wave.

Almost aflame still you don't feel the heat
Takes all you got just to stay on the beat
You say it's a living, we all gotta eat
but you're here alone there's no one to compete

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