Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Well, John the Baptist after torturing a thief


Looks up at his hero the Commander-in-Chief
Saying, “Tell me great hero, but please make it brief
Is there a hole for me to get sick in?”  (Dylan)

the demonrats love to bitch about Big Business....bitch and moan about corporate welfare and demand that private industry should pay higher taxes....then why are they passing a $250 billion spending bill  to invest and encourage private companies to build microchip plants in Ohio ?  surely Microsoft, Apple and all the rest can build their own plants with their grossly inflated profits  ....i kind of remember that shrewd cat AOC stepping in to BLOCK Amazon building a 2nd headquarters in her district because she didn't approve of the tax breaks that Evil Eyes Andrew was giving them.....and yet lame duck kathy hochul is seizing several city blocks around Penn Station through eminent domain (literally taking buildings and destroying private business) and handing that property over to Voranado (Private Builder) so they can build 6 new office towers.....as if that weren't enough....she is taking the city's CUT of taxes from the new buildings ; money that is used to fuel NYC budget and pay Police, Fire, Sanitation etc etc, and giving that tax break to the developers. i ask these questions, but in truth we all know the answers.

let's start at the top with chips & salsa bill.  well it IS an election year......and Ohio is always a swing state.....so promising to build a technology plant in a swing state can't hurt......then let's say we are doing this to compete with China (even though American Big Tech is in Bed with the CCP) that should quiet questions about Hunter/China from the likes of pea brained nora odonnell(she doesn't deserve the apostrophe) and lastly and probably most importantly......the 2020 election was signed sealed and delivered by BIG TECH, they shut down a story from a major news source ; the NY POST and Hunters' laptop, and froze their Twitter account......if ever there was a crime family in these United States it is certainly the self-loathsome leftist scum that permeates silicon valley......let's give them a big fat thank you to the tune of 250 billion.

Hochul ?  Voranado was one of her big contributors, so she is giving them a sweetheart deal under the guise of fixing our transit woes.......in truth this is another nail in the coffin of NYC....i see a not-too-distant future for the isle of Manhattan, one in which the few businesses that remain are ALL located in the Hudson Yards and these 6 new towers....all the workers will live Out of State and come into the city each day and never stray further than 4 or 5 blocks from Penn.....the Police will setup a heavily guarded perimieter (maybe a wall) around the business district...and the rest of manhattan and the outer boroughs will be illegal immigrant breeding grounds and a wasteland.

AOC ? she wanted to take the 3 billion in tax breaks and repair the subways...she didn't understand that the $$ in question doesn't exist without first luring the business(AMZN) here.....what can i say , she is one dumb C*nt....but she looks good in fake handcuffs

The Commander-in-Chief answers him while chasing a fly

Saying, “Death to all those who would whimper and cry”

And dropping a barbell he points to the sky

Saying, “The sun’s not yellow it’s chicken”

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