Wednesday, August 24, 2022

Way to go Leonard

 These refs are doing a heck of a job ( Hank Stram)

The great Lenny Dawson has passed away at the age of 87……he was my first “Favorite “ player….I immediately gravitated to the Chiefs, and remain a loyal member of the Chief Kingdom today….thanks for the memories.

a week before Super Bowl IV the FBI leaked that Lenny was part of a gambling investigation.....sound familiar....they said his phone # was found in the possession a Detroit gambler also named Dawson but not related...........Lenny said the guy called him to offer condolences when Lenny's Dad died earlier that year.........NBC news ran with the story and Roselle had to issue a statement saying there was no reason to suspend got so bad that Nixon called his buddy Hank Stram and said tell Lenny he shouldn't be worried, the DOJ is not investigating him................Leonard went on to Matriculate the ball down the field expertly and Crush the Lief Erikson Vikings and like magic....the allegations disappeared........i wonder if this story will appear in his obits that are being wirtten across the Nation today ? he was a Great Man.....the NFL lost a true legend.

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