Saturday, August 13, 2022

like a fool i mixed them

 An’ it strangled up my mind

An’ now people just get uglier
An’ I have no sense of time (Dylan)

if you look in the mirror and are honest with cannot accept or believe anything the FBI says.
The FBI has lost its way, they have become the criminals they supposedly pursue.
Perhaps after decades of tracking mafiosos and counterfeiters they have subconsciously adopted their illegal traits. They are a wing of the progressive left, they are on the endangered species list , and they know it. They are fearful that their days are numbered should Donald Trump be elected president again and they will sell their mothers soul to stop that from happening.

Is their goal to plant nuclear classified documents in Mar a Lago and then imprison or execute Mr. Trump? perhaps.

But in blocking his lawyers from witnessing/observing the search, they immediately call into question the validity of anything they say they found. This organization has lied to the American public, lied to FISA Judges, entrapped members of then Presidents Trump staff and wiretapped the candidates place or business/residence......all while ignoring the offenses of Hilary Server Clinton. Sandy Documents in his pants Berger and Hunter chose your grievance Biden.

allow me to take these concerns to the greatest far-fetched is it for the FBI/Democrat party to Execute Trump, outlaw private guns and use the military to capture all firearms and imprison their owners , and join hands with the Chinese Communist Party to squash any rebellion on the Continental United States?  That's been a theme throughout man's existence on earth,,,,,passed down through the centuries a corrupt system of class.....of haves and have nots.....don't ever forget that the less than 250 years of American Independence is but a tiny blip on the map of thousands of years of totalitarianism throughout Europe, Africa and Asia. There is an inherent evil in those that wish to control others......there is a reason Batman, Superman and even Underdog had to stop someone from ruling the world every week.....becuase the threat is real.....and those cartoons are probably banned by now. The Chinese are the modern day Dr Evil......they have bought and sold our politicians and our country....our willing participants in their takeover will someday learn that they too are fodder....but alas it will be too late.

Oh, Mama, can this really be the end
To be stuck inside of Mobile
With the Memphis blues again

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