Thursday, August 11, 2022

all the years combine

 they melt into a dream (Garcia-Hunter)

a friend relayed a classic story last night....he was in Clavins yesterday making arrangements for his Mom, and as it so often does when people from 11209 are chatting...the conversation turned to Dano......the funeral director told a story about having a few libations in a Bayridge watering hole and it just so happened that Dano was doing the same....after nodding at each other from across the bar for a while the Woodman approached.....and said ....." Hey Clavin, what are you doing ? sizing me up ? ......just remember, half size should mean half price "   as only Dano could...busting chops on a funeral director......your wit and wisdom are missed something fierce

And when you hear that song

come crying like the wind

it seems like all this life

was just a dream

Stella Blue

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