Sunday, April 02, 2023

I'm not afraid

 Of anything in this world

There's nothing you can throw at me

That I haven't already heard ( Sonny Bono)

Big News here in Hockeyland......i was approached by a bizarre robot the other day and he asked for permission to access this BLOG and reprint my TRUTHS, Observations and humorous tales and pass them off as his own findings.....seems he was a Chat Bot and was fielding a lot of questions about obama....and since we did such great research exposing the Spoonjiah King, the great Dog Eater , the Prince of Indonesia, the Kenyan Killer  back in 2008 they obviously wanted to piggy back off that Shirley i jest , but it's partially true.....everything that has happened in this world is now open for debate....and we are raising a generation of impatient , easily influenced robotic children....they want to be told.....they don't care to find out for themselves....they want history rewritten without all the ugly truths. they want their explanations to fit into a 30 second Tik Tok video..The University of Cornell has just agreed to "Trigger Warnings" in all of their studies......this means the Professors asst ( you know, the 22 year old that actually teaches class and grades papers) will "have to" warn students before teaching anything that could trigger an you really think that a college student that is too fragile to learn about Hitler and Hirohito.....the gas chambers and the Baatan Death ready to roll up their sleeves and fight to the death to prevent the Chinks and Russians from invading the beaches of Deleware or Santa Monica ?  me neither.

Back to the Chat short they scour the internet and form a consensus answer to questions...and so as bob dylan would say ...."i may be outnumbered by a hundred to one" but my take on history will be incorporated into chat bots answers in 100 years......" he'll regret it to his dying day...if he lives that long" and so i am invigorated this day to get the truth out there......TRUMP WON...and NYSTROM was offsides. ( faux dynasty of cheaters born that day)

i'm also re-invigorated by the pending arrest of President Trump.....i was leaning towards supporting Desantis aka Meatball Ron because i too wanted a break from the insanity and constant state of agnst that seems to surround the Donn....but i have to admit that is exactly what the swamp wants.....a quiter gentler conservative, fuck them.....i'd rather die with my boots on. This country is teetering, and the ideological confrontation HAS to happen. We may never reunite, but we certainly won't if the playing fields aren't leveled. If Lady Justice doesn't put the blindfold back on , well then this country will devour itself...and soon. If Donald Trump is not given a fair shake to attain his parties nomination and if the next Presidential election is not fair ( or at least perceived as fair) then the powder keg will explode and there really will be no turning back.

side note of stupidity this week.....CBS news forbade any mention of the Gender for the Tranny Fruitcake that shot up the Christian School in Tennessee ....yep , let's omit the facts that don't fit the narrative.....and yet, we are supposed to believe these elitist cocksuckers when they try to tell the nation who won an election? those days are over.....if they keep this up, they will make January 6th look like a "mostly peaceful protest like Ferguson".

dumb question....when do the Black Lives Matter protest and Marches start for the guy that was beaten to death down the block from his Mammy's house in Memphis by 6 Cops back in January ?  or did we already move on because the Cops were black ?   Joey Five Cents...aka Tyree Nichols.

as Harold Ford would say "it's good to be back around the table" ......i was on the train to Jersey City everyday this past week, hence the Hiatus from the Blog, but i'm back now.

I leave you with the Selector, written about another time and place....but applicable to today.

I don't wanna go there again

Don't wanna go, don't wanna go

But it's the only place to go oh oh

There's gonna be trouble I know oh oh

Don't wanna know don't wanna know oh oh

1 comment:

alvarez said...


limp wristed kenyan muslim who wears mom jeans


welcome back