Wednesday, March 13, 2024

the Barbeque King

 is coming to town,

with his shiny pants, ya know he looks like a clown (Jorma)

so sleepy Joe sat down for an interview with msnbc just 36 hours after his angry old man rant/ campaign rally disguised as the State of the union......and he immediately apologized ......NO...not to the family of Laken Riley for getting her name wrong.....but to her Murderer.....i kid you not.....he regretted using the term illegal in describing the Illegal alien that Murdered Laken.....he went to say that he didn't mean to disrespect any of the undocumented...and that they Built this country .

does he really believe that ?  was it just a plea for votes ?  who was downright disgusting and an embarrassment to our Nation. The leader of the Free world can't get the name of a murdered American correct, can't reach out to the family and apologize for not caring enough to learn how to say her name.....but then he goes on National TV with his sad tail between his legs and apologizes to the murderer......i really hope this piece of shiite dies a long, slow and very painful death.

stranger still....the white house turned on the full court press to insist that the dementia patient did NOT apologize to about doing the Hokey Pokey ....

hey now, what's happening in Haiti ?

seems there was a prison break and about 4,000 prisoners were freed while the current dictator was out of the country last weekend. The prisoners are part of a gang that is in control of 80% of the city of port Au Prince......the Dominican Republic next door is so concerned that they have closed their air space....the guy who runs the gang is an ex cop called Jimmy Cherizier...aka the BBQ King has really come to town....Jorma was right......the US ordered all non essential govt personal to evacuate back to the Continental US.....problem of Tuesday the gangs were in control of the airport.......can anyone say Afghanistan ? 

Incidentally Steven Nikoui, his son Kareem Nikou was a US Marine slain in the botched Afghanistan withdrawal;  was arrested for heckling the President during the State of the Union...Mr Nikoui was shouting at Biden to remember Abbey Gate, the gate to the airport where 13 service members were alin by a terrorist bomb....He is now being charged with disruption and faces a $500 fine and 90 days in Jail,,,, ...obviously me and GOOGLE do not approve of anyone shouting Truthful statements during a political comedy act.........just ask Queen Laticia.

what a shiite-show this world has become

He'll cook your Barbeque....anyway that you please

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