Saturday, March 23, 2024

when i was 22

 i thought all the burdens i knew

were too much to bear.

Now i'm 65, lucky to be alive 

fighting the spoiled child inside  (Joe Croker)

oh what a tangled web out there in la la land.......something tells me that Ohtani's interpreter is going to pull a Jeffrey Epstein and commit Harry Carey in his holding cell...... let's hope he has the decency to use a bed sheet....if he shoots himself in the back 12 times people might start suspecting foul play.

Can't help but think if Petey Rose had an interpreter or a fall guy around, then Charlie Hustle would have his rightful placque in the Halls of Cooperstown.

Republican warning......don't fall for the trap of being outraged that a judge ruled that Illegal immigrants have the same right to bear arms as US citizens.....again i say is a trap.......they should instead embrace the ruling  BUT insist that illegals have to pass the same background checks and provide ID and abide by the same gun safety laws that are on the books at the state level......and if the applicant cannot be vetted....then NO gun.....just like and you.....the Libs want the Conservatives to be outraged , and they will use that outrage to steal back a few inches of the 2nd amendment. I think it's outrageous that someone that sneaks across the border or shows up requesting asylum , be afforded the same rights that citizens have.....but we can't make a big deal out of gun ownership....just let the restrictive laws that are already on the books work.

speakin of Fat Alvin......the laughable Manhattan DA held a big Press Conference to announce he is going after the owners of Grimaldi's AOC he thinks if they cut the pie into 6 slices instead of 8, then they must be stealing two slices somehow........not really, but just as bad....he says the owners are stealing wages from busboys and delivery people........if true, this could bring down Western Civilization.....never mind that roaming gangs of Venezuelans are raping and dismembering people throughout the city , attacking Police officers and have turned Roosevelt Ave into an open air forced Prostitution market ......nope ....Grimaldis is the their defense...they do have come up with half a million to install carbon emission  reducing vents on their pizza ovens. 

oh's a nice rainy saturday.....think i'll drink a 30 pack

i remember when i was a little boy , and i started thinking

Lord above, it's been a mighty hard pleasure.

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