Saturday, April 13, 2024

the bills are due and the baby need shoes

 But I'm busted

Cotton is down to a quarter a poundBut I'm busted I got a cow that went dry and a hen that won't layA big stack of bills that gets bigger each dayThe county's gonna haul my belongings away'Cause I'm busted Oh, yes, I am  ( Harlan Howard / Ray Charles)

nobody sang the blues with a touch of humor better than the great Ray Charles, although the late Walter Lure did a remarkable version with the Waldos....Walter played Hank Szala's 60th Birthday party at Webster Hall and included the above referenced song in the setlist as a special request from yours truly.

saw an interesting interview with  Jim Grant the other day...he is a self acclaimed Fed Watcher....and he was talking about today's inflation and the inflation of the 1970's......we talk a lot about bad history repeating itself because people are either unaware of the past or willfully ignorant.

MR. Grant said that rising energy costs were the biggest factor for the decade and i think we all remember gas rationing ....even and odd days plate sales....and long lines at the pump.....but i wasn't old enough to recall or slept through in class ( as if anyone ever taught anything relevant or worthwhile in school) ...there were 3 occasions where the inflation data partially  cooled and Wall Street and others declared premature victory ....he said they were looking hard for silver linings and a reason to decide and believe everything was over and now ok.......only to see inflation roar back even stronger and interest rates to peak at 20%.

sound familiar ?  The POTUS lies and says inflation was roaring when he took office (it was 1.2% for the 6 months prior to inauguration) and then he compares 2024 inflation to 2023 to prove that it has cooled and conveniently  ignores the 2021-2022 numbers.....since Joe took office cumulative inflation is north of 6%....but Wall Street and the Oval office are still pushing for a Rate Cut.......Chairman Powell is fighting for his Job and will probably cave and cut rates in an attempt to help Biden.....Trump has already said he will not Keep Powell when elected........funny thing is that Trump is also a big proponent of lower whomever he brings in will also cut i think we should once again stock up on Beer and Pretzels because inflation is here to stay.

Well, I went to my brother to ask for a loan'Cause I'm bustedI hate to beg like a dog without his boneBut I'm busted, I'll tell yaMy brother said, "There ain't a thing I can doMy wife and my kids are all down with the fluAnd I was just thinking about calling on you'Cause I'm busted too"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cheer up amigos

Jimenez here

Alvarez is on Uranus

Any minute now iranski will attack the money changers and that will be their fatal mistake

Our chance to wipe the mullahs off the face of the earth

Mecca next?