Tuesday, April 09, 2024

You tell me this town ain't got no heart

The sunny side of the street is Dark 

Maybe that's 'cause it's midnight

and the dark of the moon besides, or

maybe the dark is in your eyes 
maybe the dark is in your eyes
maybe the dark is in your eyes

You know you got such dark eyes (Hunter-Garcia)

well we may have survived an earthquake and an eclipse. but we couldn't survive the implosion of the Iowa women's basketball team.

Did you know Joe Biden and Sec of Defense Lloyd Austin launched an investigation of the US Military back in April of 2021 ?

They spent millions of dollars over the course of 14 months looking for "EXTREMISM" in the ranks of their own military . Considering the military is a collection of 18-22 year olds willing to die to protect their country and fellow citizens, I'd say they are all pretty extreme.
Biden & Austin were looking for a very specific form of extremism......by now you should realize that they were looking for Trump Supporters, and if they found them they would drum up some nonsense and probably discharge these Patriots. This was done in response to January 6th.......the military seems to be the only industry that was singled out for investigation....I guess they were confident the corrupt FBI, CIA and the teachers union were already in lockstep with Comrade Biden.

The Investigation wrapped up in April of 2022 and the results were kept under wrap. USA Today persisted in getting the results of this Govt funded study and apparently it was released quietly on the day after Christmas 2023. The study found zero evidence of extremism in the military....dam that sucks for Joe & Lloyd.....hence the burying of the findings....no real surprise though.....i was lucky enough to serve under Ronald Reagen , but truthfully me and my shipmates would have done the same job with the same conviction if Bill Clinton or Jimmy Carter were in the oval Office.

Does beg the question as to why someone would still be willing to fight and die for a country that views them as the Villian ?

No word from the Whitehouse on when they plan to investigate the protestors in Dearborn, Michigan that chanted Death to America on camera .........Not Tehran...Not Ghaza.....Not Islamabad.........Deraborn Michigan

quiet weekend in the city.......60 year old man stabbed in the neck with a screwdriver on a bus in the Bronx........58 year old woman punched in the face and knocked down a flight of stairs of a church before services on Sunday Morning in Queens.........but Trump supporters in the Coast Guard will the death of us all.

I recall your darkness
when it crackled like a thundercloud

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