Friday, June 14, 2024

Before you accuse me

 Take a look at yourself ( Clapton)

The guilty conscience of the demonrats is on full display…they continue to lash out and accuse Trump and the Republicans of all the things they are actually guilty of…..

AOC, Rachel mad cow and others say they think Trump will throw them in jail if he’s elected……when in truth they are trying to throw him in jail to stop his campaign.

They blame Trump for the border and inflation, when in fact both were under control when Biden took the reins.

And the other day Brandon lamented that the only reason poor Hunter was on trial was because sleepy Joe was running for President……this accusation is very telling….Hunter Biden was under investigation for a litany of reasons…..the DOJ let the statute of limitations expire on the most serious charges and they struck a sweetheart plea deal that gave Hunter unparalleled immunity going forward ……one lone judge asked a few questions about this bizarre deal and it crumbled under the light of day……

Now let’s look at the other side……The statute of limitations had already expired on Trump’s offenses ….multiple prosecutors had passed on the case because there was no THERE there………and then…..Trump announced he was running……and now we are learning that prosecutors from multiple jurisdictions were summoned to the White House…..Fat Alvin fm NY and counterparts from Georgia and Colorado……And Fat Alvin even took DC based DOJ all star Colangelo back to NY…….they revived the statute of limitations and got an indictment………indictments soon followed around the country for anything from election interference to document handling……..Joe Biden’s dementia brain said the quiet stuff out loud …..but he couldn’t help but make himself the victim……the truth is that the DOJ is not going after the biden’s because he is running….but it was a coordinated effort to go after Trump in the days following his campaign announcement ….

PC’s Monmouth park trip tomorrow….giddy up

1 comment:

alvarez said...

all out crazy and mad cow belong in a zoo....or the freaks tent in the circus...


2 + 3 = beer...

Hey Chreeeeese?
I drink...a little bit...of the Jack Daniels – pleeeeezee.
Long Live Alvarez!!!!!!!

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