Thursday, June 13, 2024

How did the Germans invade Poland?

 They marched in backwards and said they were leaving.

That’s a true story as Brandon would say……not quite as funny is the fact that 8 terrorist with ties to ISIS strolled across our southern border and were setting up shop in the good old USA ……just what they planned to do we will never know….. but I don’t like my odds of surviving another major attack….. I feel like Kerouac…running for my life while being pursued by the shrouded traveler on a camel or charger….

Homeland Security insists these terrorists were vetted….. I guess the vetting process is basically one question….Are you a Bad Guy ??

Alvarez if you are reading this and you ever get stopped at the border in Panama City Florida….admit nothing 

As you enjoy your morning coffee, you should know that Russian warships and nuclear subs are gathered in Cuba for some war games……all sharks smell blood in the water.

2+3 can also equal doom


alvarez said...

knock knock

who's there?

polish burglar


Anonymous said...

Brandon would STILL let the burglar in