Friday, June 28, 2024

Twenty degrees of solitude

 twenty degrees in all

All the dancing kings and wives assembled in the hall
Lost is the long and loneliest time, fairy Sybil flying 
All along the, all along the mountains of the moon (Hunter-Garcia)

woke up to the Ipod alarm playing the above referenced gem this morning at 3:45.....brought back some incredible memories of seeing the Dead perform at the Nassau Coliseum.....specifically remember being high as a kite on wonderful hallucinogens'....maybe shrooms or mescaline or good old jelly bean acid....and in a trance i left my body and went walking on the rafters on the inside roof of the old barn....i walked the steal beam until i was just above the band and i looked down on them with a wide grin...such a great place to watch the show....just hanging around on the roof until i was dramatically brought back into my body and being terrified when i thought that Jerry knew what i was doing or had just done....i didn't want Mr Garcia to mad at me ever .

so i had an excuse or explanation....i was on powerful drugs......what the F was Bidens'  excuse for last night ?  I watched it this morning and even i was a little surprised at how old and confused he seemed.....not juts a deer in the headlights , but a heavily sedated deer.....the look of bewilderment he showed while Trump was rambling on at 100 miles a minute was priceless.....i hope Ebay is selling 8x10 snapshots of clueless Joe...i might have to buy a keepsake or two.

lots of good points made by Trump , but i think one of the keys was pointing out that all of bidens stats on the economy were "Bounce Back" jobs for a nation coming out of the pandemic....."you can't take credit for that Joe".....a lot of simpletons in this country need to be reminded of that.......and early on when Biden stumbled and mumbled and concluded with a confusing statement " We beat Medicaid"......Trump pounced......"Your right you did beat medicaid, you beat it to death Joe "............a week of seclusion and 16 advisors can't teach that NY quickness and schoolyard art of arguing.

I think the biggest point Trump made was about abortion........we didn't outlaw it he said , we gave it back to the states.....and his reminder about radical left insistence on abortion right up to the point of birth and in some cases AFTER birth should resonate with everyone with a soul or absolutely helps the SCOTUS approved the abortion pill mifepristone...calming the nerves of people who believe he wants to outlaw abortion at the Federal level.

there were points that it felt like a boxing match gone wrong....there was a feeling that the towel may get tossed into the ring at any moment.....there was certainly a few No Mas moments....

i fully expect dementia Joe to step down on the 4th of July....and the Dems will go forward with a Harris-Newsome ticket , or they will let the candidate be chosen on the floor of the convention......but at this point it can't be Joe.

Hey, Tom Banjo
It's time to matter
The earth will see you on through this time
The earth will see you on through this time
Down by the water, the marsh king's daughter, did you know
Clothed in tatters, always will be, Tom where did you go?

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