Wednesday, August 24, 2016

The land of Cotton

In case you missed it, the University of Mississippi has prohibited the school band from playing "Dixie" at halftime.....a silly tradition that only dates back to 1948.....yes...that's right....68 years of tradition.....fathers, sons. Grandfather's and great grandsons all sipped sweat tea and listened to the band honor the Southern Heritage at the School that carries the nickname "Ole Miss Rebels"...... quietly a few years ago they retired the Mascot GENERAL old Confederate GENERAL with a grey beard who carried a cane ( me sans the cane...for now) because they said he looked like a plantation owner.....and now they have criminalized a fucking song.....the truth shall set you free ? ....not in Mississippi.....those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.......what about those that whitewash history and hide it in the closet ? What happens to those bastards ??. If I were a season ticket holder I would start a new soon as the band takes the field the entire stadium should sing an Acapella version of Dixie.... Old times there apparently will soon be forgotten......shame Mississippi.

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