Sunday, October 18, 2020

somethings burning baby , somethings in flames

There’s a man going ’round calling names

Ring down when you’re ready, baby, I’m waiting for you

I believe in the impossible, you know that I do  (dylan)

i watched the netflix mini series on the Branch Dividian standoff down in Waco....interesting stuff....the absolutely went easy on David Koresch , barely mentioned how many kids he had with under age girls and how he claimed so many wives for himself ( because of course he was the lamb of God)...but i still strongly reccomend watching it.....if for no other reason to understand how incompetent and aggressive the ATF and FBI were even back in the early 1990's.

The mini series starts out recapping the Randy Weaver and Ruby Ridge standoff that was butchered by the ATF , that left American citizens shot to death on their own land by FBI snipers.....if you don't know the whole story its worth looking up.

The Waco disaster was very similar in that it all started because the ATF came heavy handed onto private land to issue a warrant and to enact a search of private property in search of a crime. David Koresch went into town 2 or 3 times a week, he was friendly with the local sheriffs office and could have been apprehended without a single shot being fired....but they didn't really have evidence of a much like the Russia probe they figured lets get a bogus search warrant and then hopefully find some evidence......well shots were fired and people on both sides were killed and a 55 day standoff ensued.

The whole thing ended...depending on which side you really believe...when either the FBI used tanks to penetrate the compound walls and disperse CS gas ( not disputed by the FBI) the gas started fires ; which often happened in the past with these tanks, the fires escalated and burned the entire compound to the ground......or B , the FBI used the tanks to penetrate the compound and disperse CS Gas and THEN Koresch decided that everyone should commit suicide by fire and the Banch Dividians set their own fires which killed them. the survivors have all stated that there was never a plan for a group suicide and they doubt that they rest of the congregation would have gone along with that course of action.

what is also indisputable is that even though the FBI made the decision to use CS gas, and even though on 4 or 5 occasions in the past that their use of CS gas resulted in fires breaking out ( use of CS gas is banned in the Geneva convention, but a gueass the FBI & Janet reno thought it was okay to use on your own citizens ) that they also didn't think it was prudent to have any fire trucks on stand by .......why ? a level headed person might ask .......were they that imcompotent ? i say no they were we are back to WHY ? 

the only explanation that makes sense is that the evidence that would exonerate Koresch in the murder of ATF agents and the same evidence that would prove that the ATF fired first through the locked front doors and through the roof by helicopter sniper, lay inside the compound.......burn it to the ground = no evidence.'s the real nugget that rarely or never gets mentioned when talking about Waco & Ruby Ridge.....American Militia groups were drawn to Waco, not because they believed in Koreschs religous teachings but because he was an American citizen under attack from his own Government....some stayed for the duration of the 55 day siege.....One of those in the crowd was a military Vet who was growing increasingly leery of the ATF , FBI and the Govt as a whole........that would be Timothy McVeigh....who on the 2nd anniversary of the Waco siege, on April 19th 1995 ; bombed the Murrah Federal building in Oklahoma city killing 168 people ( 108 of which worked for the Federal Govt)....a direct quote from Mcveigh before his execution in 2001

"I didn't define the rules of engagement in this conflict. The rules, if not written down, are defined by the aggressor. It was brutal, no holds barred. Women and kids were killed at Waco and Ruby Ridge. You put back in [the government's] faces exactly what they're giving out." He later stated "I wanted the government to hurt like the people of Waco and Ruby Ridge had"

so again, not defending Koresch or Mcveigh, but the heavy hand of government has consequences and people need to study, learn and remember these lessons from a not so distant past.

I can feel it in the wind and it’s upside down
I can feel it in the dust as I get off the bus on the outskirts of town
I’ve had the Mexico City blues since the last hairpin curve
I don’t wanna see you bleed, I know what you need but it ain’t what you deserve ( dylan)

1 comment:

alvarez said...

whew...a lot packed into that post, almost a 2 beer read...

I'll make it simpler for people like me...the bigger gubmint grows, the more your freedoms like your life depends on it...because it does.

Hey FIB - what were you doing with hunters laptop...looking at the pictures...are you done with weiner's yet?