Monday, October 18, 2021

the Change it has to come

We knew it all along

We were liberated from the fold, that's all  (Townshend)

after blogging about American skepticism about the fast track china flu vaccine, i decided to do a little more research on the great London plague of 1665......a clear cut example of politicans under pressure grasping for straws and then holding those straws as gospel truths.

 in the aftermath of the plague they concluded that fleas on rats were carrying and spreading the disease, but that was to late to save many bowsers and fluffies..

.in 1665 by mid  July over 1,000 deaths per week were reported in the city of London . It was rumored that dogs and cats spread the disease, so the Lord Mayor ordered all the dogs and cats destroyed. it is  estimated that 40,000 dogs and 200,000 cats were killed. The real effect of this was that there were fewer natural enemies of the rats who carried the plague fleas, so the germs spread more rapidly.

The nobility left the city for their estates in the country. They were followed by the merchants and the lawyers. The Inns of Court were deserted. Most of the clergy suddenly decided they could best minister to their flocks from far, far away. The College of Surgeons fled to the country

By June the roads were clogged with people desperate to escape London. The Lord Mayor responded by closing the gates to anyone who did not have a certificate of health. These certificates became a currency more valuable than gold, and a thriving market in forged certificates grew up.

Anyone in constant contact with plague victims, such as doctors, nurses, inspectors, were compelled to carry coloured staffs outdoors so that they could be easily seen and avoided. When one person in a house caught the plague the house was sealed until 40 days after the victim either recovered or died 

yep, what goes around comes around......and those that do not study and learn from history are doomed to repeat we live in a world that choses to censor or rewrite history, and that my friends never works......todays politicans are counting on a lethal combination of stupidity and apathy .....common distractions and grand jestures and misdirection.....whats the old saying, fool me once shame on you , fool me twice and i must be a fucking idiot......

And the world looks just the same

And history ain't changed

'Cause the banners, they are flown in the next war

1 comment:

alvarez said...

but they tell us 80+ million were fooled again in november 2020...lets go brandon