Tuesday, November 23, 2021

i will stay with you

 if you stay with me, said the fiddler to the drum

and we'll keep good time on a journey through the past  (N. Young)

sometimes you don't need a magnifying glass to spot the abnormalities....sometime the differences are glaring.......take for instance the MSM response to the events that unfolded in Waukesha, Wi on Sunday evening. Darrell Brooks was apparently fleeing a domestic abuse incident and drove his SUV through a Christmas parade and killed 5 women aged 52 to 81 (that were part of a beloved troupe performing in the parade known as the Dancin Grannies) and sent over 40 people to the hospital (including 18 children)

Although the media reported the story, i have yet to see anyone at CBS, ABC or whomever give the incident a Catchy Title and image ....like the ones they usually trot out when they intend to milk a story for a few weeks....like 'Murder in Miami"....."Collapse at the Shore"....."High School Horror" etc etc .....i don't watch CNN but according to Greg Guttfeld they were portraying the assailant as the RED SUV ....as if it were driverless or a posessed automobile.....why are the avoiding focus on Darrell Brooks ? maybe because he is a career criminal who was twice released on small bail in the last 12 months, even though he apparently has an active warrant for his arrest in Nevada ? maybe because he was released from jail after running over a woman with the very same SUV earlier this year ? Or maybe because the District Attorney in question ran on a platform of low bail....and then immediately through one of his junior assistants under the bus and launched an internal investigation into the measley $1,000 bond his office requested 10 day ago ?

One aspect of the case that has yet to be raised is the correlation between this event and the now famous event that occurred miles away in Kenosha . Darrell Brooks was fleeing a domestic abuse incident, so too was Jacob Blake.......Darrell Brooks got into his SUV and fled at high speed to escape the area........Jacob Blake may very well have done the same if the Police did not stop him.......we will never know who may have been plowed to death had Blake been allowed to flee the scene as so many liberal talking heads have suggested the Police should have allowed.

Yesterday we spoke of professional sports........i vividly remember the day i walked away from the NY Mets for life.......in a pathetic , look at me orchestrated event for the MSM cameras, Dom Smith took his place on the field for the Mets-Marlins game....and then walked off the field in tears ...stopping only at home plate to drape it with a BLM t-shirt......he then boo hoo'ed his way through a press conference and said he was too upset ov the Jacob Blake shooting to play baseball........i wonder how he feels about the Dancin Grannies.......i did notice that the Milwaukee Bucks played a home game last night...a mere 24 hours after their fellow citizens were mowed down by a career thug.....i'm sure there was a moment of silence.......I wonder if the Packers plan to take a stand against this senseless waste of life and draw attention to this low bail fiasco that is endangering everyone .........i wonder if Lebron James wants to have a conversation about any of this ?

I also wonder why the Boston Celtics acquired the talented Center Enos Kanter , but have thus far played him sparingly ? could it be because he called out Lebron James and Nike as hypocrites for making sneakers with chinese slave labor and for putting profits above all else ?

1 comment:

alvarez said...

there couldn't possibly even be 1 person who believes this bullshit about daaaaarrrr.....ellllll...it was retaliation / revenge for rittenhouse..."he tried to do his best, but he could not"...

wake up...we are at war...bring it on.