Tuesday, November 09, 2021

welcome back my friends

 To the show that never ends

We're so glad you could attend

Come inside! Come inside   (ELP)

the left is so bold.....they do not even save their opposing hypocritical views for separate press conferences.....exhibit A ....Phil Murphy.

yesterday Gov Murphy called on Jack Citterelli to concede the election.........5 days earlier he pleaded with supporters and the press to wait until EVERY vote was counted before declaring a winner.....'that's what our democracy is all about" he said.......then the AP declared him the winner with over 75K votes as yet uncounted.....and he said Cittarelli was "behaving downright UN-American by not conceding"......spoiler alert....that's not even the hypocrisiy i am referring to......in the same press conference he stated that he felt Senate President and fellow Democrat Steve Sweeney was entitled to a recount after loosing to a local truck driver............downright UN-American ? gotcha

exhibit B  the reaction to Winsome Sears.

Winsome Sears emigrated to America from Jamaica at the age of 6.....her Dad says he had $1.75 in his pocket when they landed in the Bronx and he found a job to support the family. She is a veteran of the United States Marine Corps and last week became the first woman of color to be elected Lt Governor in Virginia's history..........surely Disney already has a movie in the works.....heck the obamas will use some of the mad loot they took from Netflix to produce a mini series on this womans life......schools will be named after her and statues erected..........one problem, she is a  Republican...those awful people that choose candidates based on ideas and not the color of their skin, Gender or sexual perversion.....

BUT....this victory did not sit well with African American Liberals......Joy Reid and fellow lib Mike Dyson declared Sears to be "nothing more than a black mouthpiece for white ideas".....hows that for unifying language ? so if it wasn't bad enough that they are pusghing critical race theory down childrens throats and trying to divide everyone in this country based on skin color......now they want you to believe that ideas are either white or black..........a house divided cannot stand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sadly, Herschel Walker is going through the same.