Monday, July 25, 2022

if i ever get out of here

 Thought of giving it all away

To a registered charity

All I need is a pint a day

If I ever get outta here

(If we ever get outta here) (Linda McCartney)

i love the fact that Paul gave Linda a writing credit on most of the wings songs, i have to assume that was a middle finger extended to that cackling asian swine that broke up the Beatles....

helter skelter in a summer swelter yesterday....all week, tomorrow etc the world burning up? if you even pondered that for a second then i suggest you crack open an icey cold, frosty delicious glass of beeeeer.

as monkey pox begins to grow, you have to think that we are witnessing a glimpse of future sense contaminating the planet with Nuclear weapons, or destroying costly infrastructure with conventional bombs.....just develop a series of deadly virus, wait until you have a vaccine for yourself and inner circle, and then unleash it on your enemies.......covid was a test.....perhaps the chinks released it too soon....but rest assured they studied the results and had to love what they saw......America's over reaching reaction, Draconian mandates & forced injections, the psychological impact on the next generation ,  our reckless spending and destruction of private business and wealth did more harm to ourselves than our enemies could inflict in a hundred wars....and you are either naive or a simpleton if you don't realize there are many more, deadlier, viruses in the red chineese pipeline.....coming soon to a theater near you.

so if you owned a business these past 2 years and spent countless hours and dollars keeping track of your customers/clients , who sat where, who was next to them, collecting cell phone data because you were required to notify everyone if anyone tested positive for the china flu....well you had to feel silly (or downright angry) when press secretary Jean Pierre Rampal was asked how and where dementia Joe caught Covid....she nastily snapped "it doesn't matter"......ahh yes, more rules for thee but not for me. we all knew contact tracing was a colossal waste of time , it's nice to hear them kinda admit it.

Gil Hodges.....Bronze star recipient as a marine during World War II......we could stop right there....that's enough for induction in my personal Hall of Fame.....but yesterday.....50 years after his death at the ridiculously young age of 47 of a heart attack, he was finally inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame.......8 time all star, 3 gold gloves, 2 time world series champion as a player, one very memorable one as a manager......but the thing about Halls of Fame....especially supposed to be the full picture...the character of the individual. There may night be a Better person in Cooperstown. the glowing comments about Gil from his teammates speak volumes...Jackie Robinson referred to GIL as the Glue that kept the Brooklyn Doger family together....and yesterday his daughter mentioned something very interesting in her speech.....during the 1952 World Series Gil was in an awful slump, the Dodgers would lose to the Yanks in 7 games....but Hodges was so loved by the fans that he received a standing ovation when he came to the plate stuck in an 0 for 21 drought......imagine that ? side note, my Mother used to tell me that during that World Series the Catholic Churches in Brooklyn would include Gil Hodges in the Prayer of the Faithful......yep, he was that kind of guy......second side note, i jumped off the Gil Hodges memorial Marine Park Bridge too many times after drinking all day at Riis Park bay 14......seriously though, if you get a chance, Google Irene Hodges was beautiful...her and her Mom still live in Brooklyn and she spoke warmly of the borough we all loved so well.

beat the heat, drink beeeer this Monday

Well, the rain exploded with a mighty crash
As we fell into the sun
And the first one said to the second one there
"I hope you're having fun"

1 comment:

alvarez said...

the china flu was an IQ test, most of america failed's going to get worse.

I have a vague memory of a dwarf throwing contest off the gil hodges bridge in the late 90's...
