Saturday, June 17, 2023

God Save the Queen

 The fascist regime

They made you a moronA potential H bomb (Sex Pistols)

well of course the queen has been dead since September, but hey Jackie was dead for a few months before dementia Joe went looking for her by name at a rally.  "where's Jackie, she said she was gonna be here"

And so the Imbecile in Chief was giving a gun control speech in New England last light and he went off script and concluded with "God save the Queen, Man" 

You don't have to be a doctor or even play one on TV to see that this man in cognitive crisis, the fact that he remains the leader of the free world and possibly in control of our nuclear codes is frightening. maybe that dyke eggplant munchkin, kareem abdul pierre; will tell us that New England was Top of Mind....." this administration has been very clear that we acknowledge the King, we have paid courtsy an unprecedented amount of times, and the president has been clear he knows the difference between kings and queens and Connecticut is kinda like london, and blah blah blah

The USA played Mexico in Cocaf playoff game in Las Vegas
The game was stopped by the referee with time on the clock .
The ref said that atmosphere was violent and threatening and he ended the game for everyone's safety.
This should have made the news but i did not see it.....i had to search for the details.

turns out the Mexican fans were chanting a Homophobic slur at the American team and the Refs. ( calling them the spanish equivilant for Faggot i suppose)
turns out the Mexican team has faced fines and punishment for this ongoing issue with there fans and their Homo chants over the past few years.
Can you Imagine if the roles were reversed......and the American fans were the ones chanting faggot (during pride month)
Well......We know Snorah Odonnel would have opened the evening news for the next 2 weeks with the video and everyone from obama to sleepy joe and susan rice-a-roni would have shed tears apologizing for the Maga American KKK soccer fans.

oh well,  2+3= Beeer

God Save the Queen, Man

God save the queen
We mean it man
There's no future
In England's dreaming God save the queen
No future
No future
No future for you


Anonymous said...

I’m confused

Isn’t soccer a gay sport

Maybe they were rooting?


3 + 2 = beeeer

More confucious

Anonymous said...

Does anyone what the tolls cost on the bridge to the Indian Ocean?


The Native American ocean

Sorry again

The lief bar

You know

The thing

2 + 3 = beeer


Anonymous said...

Mericon Gringos