Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Everyday brings change

and the world puts on a new face

Sudden things rearrange, and this whole world seems like a new place (Marvelettes) 

I heard something the other day i had to double check to ensure it was accurate.

Did you know that the Federal Election Regulators fined the Clinton Campaign back in 2022 for disclosing the money they spent on the Russia Dirt on Trump , aka the Steele Dossier; as a legal expense instead of opposition research ?  i had not heard that, but i confirmed it on CNN of all places....I guess all accounting errors are not created equally.

Also interesting is the DOJ case against Hunter Biden and his lying on a gun permit revolves around the information and photos found on the infamous laptop. A lot of Intelligence Committee members, politicians and the Democratic nominee for President at the time ( Joe Biden) made public statements and signed letters insisting that the laptop was fake....Russian disinformation. Those statements were made to convince voters that Trump was up to some dirty tricks with Putin, and that the loveable Biden Family was still squeaky clean, go out and vote for Scranton Joe, he's a good egg and his son doesn't smoke crack and screw his widowed sister-in-law. Those statements now have been proven to be false.

I don't have to remind anyone that President Trump was convicted for a 34 count felony for an accounting error that Fat Alvin says rose to the level of hiding facts from the public in order to influence an election.

so Hillary gets a fine and Comey, Biden & Company get a free pass......remind me again who the threat to democracy is..............2+3=BEEER....i'm glad Alvarez isn't her to see this .

What's this whole world comin' toThings just ain't the sameAny time the HUNTER gets captured by the game


alvarez said...

the vegetable that was "selected" in 2020 took showers with his teenage daughter!

do you really think epstein killed himself?

we're not being governed, we're being ruled...alvarez could be the next paul revere...buy more ammo...2 + 3 = beer.

alvy...my temporary name during pride month...ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

alvarez said...

The vegetable that was "selected" in 2020 was picked as vp by the limp wristed kenyan muslim who wears mom jeans because the was considered to be as dumb as a rock...and no threat to the fundamental transformation of this once great country...are you catching on yet?


alvarez said...

It's too late baby...alvy

File this under “I should have seen this coming,” or as we say these days, “I didn’t have this one on my bingo card.”

The Navy Seals have finally self-destructed and gone woke, posting a celebration of the LGBTQIA++++ community’s “Pride” month.

Fox News tells the tale: Official US Navy Special Forces page draws backlash for ringing in Pride month: ‘Navy SEALs have gone woke’: