Thursday, June 06, 2024

The traffic lights

 they turn blue tomorrow

And shine their emptiness down on my bedThe tiny island sags downstream'Cause the life that lived is dead ( Jimi)

will the world ever unite again like it did on this date in history,80 years ago today ?
will young teenagers lie about their age, so they could join the fight and storm the beaches far away in distant lands to fight an enemy they didn't know and save the lives of people they never met.? Will planet earth ever spawn a generation as great as the one that landed in Normandy ?

I won't waste your time, the answer is NO.

when the dust settles after man has destroyed this planet, or space aliens finally arrive and put an end to this experiment....when the historians gather in another galaxy to review our history, i think it is safe to say that June 6th 1944 will be the consensus as the Pinnacle of the Human existence on Earth.

Will the wind ever rememberThe names it has blown in the past?And with this crutchIts old age and its wisdomIt whispers, "No, this will be the last"And the wind cries"Mary"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I share your dismay, we’re not done yet. Cheer up patriots. I’m hearing if MAGA can somehow win in November, along with mass deportation orders, there will be a bounty on the heads of illegals. Sounds logical since we know how corrupt the FIB is - and others in gubmint.

Those lucky readers who’ve been buying more ammo soon may have an asset more valuable than bitcoin.
