Thursday, January 12, 2023

 let's play along....indulge me....if we accept the silly premise that Joe took these documents home 6 years ago.....put them in a closet and forgot about them....and suddenly someone discovered them on Nov 2nd....we all know that Ron Klain would have called an emergency meeting of Joe's entire staff and ordered an inspection of every residence, apartment, office, closet, whatever; that Joe had access to, in order to find what else was there....he then would have had all subsequent documents brought to a single location and joe would do a one time, mea culpa....ah shucks, Joe made a mistake, we are all sorry...........there is no way they go public after 60 days, let Joe talk at a press conf, and then have to admit 24 hours later there was a second discovery of documents........UNLESS.......this is all designed from the inside to take Joe down .......isn't the timing peculiar ? we all suspected he would go away after the Dems got trounced in the midterms....but after they survived and he started talking about running again.....suddenly there is trouble in paradise........i have long suspected that Kamel Toe cut a deal to be VP if she dropped out of the primaries and threw her support behind joe.....i think she was also promised that he would step down voluntarily or the dem machine would remove him against his will after the mid-terms , so that she could finish his term and be the First female spoonjiah  POTUS. This is the same party that gave the debate answers to Hillary and hung Bernie out to dry.

1 comment:

alvarez said...

"I never knew a man could tell so many lies...he had a different story for every set of can he remember who he's talking to...'cause I know it ain't me, and I hope it isn't you"
