Thursday, July 25, 2024

Don't want to be an American Idiot

 One nation controlled by the media

Information age of hysteriaIt's calling out to idiot America (Green Day)

well there it was on full display.....crowds of young Americans...the next generation....burning the American flag while raising the flag of the desert Nomads that call themselves palistine ......spray painting monuments and fighting/attacking the US Capitol Police......this wasn't Baghdad....this was our nations capital....Washington D.C.....Union Station and the National Mall.....where was Kamala the Cop ?  she ran out of town, all the way to Indiana to speak to a black sorority....she decided to skip the Joint Session address by Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu , our strongest ally in the Middle East and a country that was attacked by said palestinians way back in October....1200 killed in case we forgot already.....the VP and a few other far left losers decided to skip the speech in solidarity with Hamas.....class act..........and what of these young American Protestors, the freaks of the Aplahabet Community (lgbtqlmnop)and all the angry young Girls....the same class of people that would be stoned, raped or beheaded in Ghaza.....well as Bibi said........."They have become Irans USEFUL IDIOTS"

Welcome to a new kind of tensionAll across the alien nation

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