Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Idiot Wind

blowing every time you move your mouth
Blowing down the backroads headin’ south

Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your teeth (Dylan)  

apparently the Queen of Pepsi was too busy to appear before Congress yesterday......she had a scheduling conflict......hopefully that was with her Iranian handler and she is flying soon to Tehran,,,,Because the Diversity driven head of the Secret Service has a lot of questions to answer to the American Public...

Kim Cheattle will now appear to be in over her head as the Leader of the Secret Service and she will portray herself as a well intentioned bureaucrat  who made some mistakes....but the truth is nobody is that incompetent. In light of recent stories by the NY Times and CNBC that the Secret Service was alerted to a Plot from Iran to kill Trump....there is no way she can feign ignorance and just step down....she needs to be prosecuted and we need to know who was behind this assassination attempt....her excuse that a sloped roof was dangerous terrain for a snip to be stationed in unacceptable.....especially since the snip that took out the 20 year old kid was also on a sloped roof.... what say you Kim ?

You’re an idiot, babe
It’s a wonder that you still know how to breathe

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