Saturday, July 06, 2024

I turn and walk away

 then I come 'round again

It looks as though tomorrow I'll do pretty much the same. (Hunter-Garcia)

i just watched the POTUS interview with george snuffleupagus and i was alarmed by one or two things that may not be picked up by the MSM....we all know career politicians do not answer questions...they deflect and then steer their answer towards a few talking points that they have memorized....we fully expect that....but to do that you have to have a reasonably sharp mind.......biden tried but failed to do that in my opinion.......he kept trying to talk about Nato and keeping russia pinned down......does he really not understand that the war has going on for 2 1/2 years ? and despite the billions of dollars that the US and Nato have given to the ukraine, the war is at a virtual stalemate ?  it's not a success to state that an enemy invaded an ally on your watch and that you have thrown taxpayer money at the war that appears to be never ending .

this most alarming response though was early on....they talked about the debate...Joe said he had a bad cold and was exhausted from traveling to his credit snuffleupagus reminded the POTUS that he had spent the prior 8 or 9 days at Camp David, but Joe waved that off and said i took a covid test (um...ok)....then George asked him have you watched the tape of your performance at the debate ?   "No, i don't think i have"  was the reply......WTF ? 

to watch or not to watch can be argued....but it was 8 days can you NOT know if you have watched it ?

I said the morning after the debate that Joe would step down symbolically on Independence day....i underestimated the Surgeon General aka doctor jill........this evil witch will never let the reigns of power go........i still think she is publicly humiliating him for his years of infidelity...but the vultures are circling....and on Monday they return to DC....i think this week will be an all out battle in and around the white house.....choosing sides...backroom deals...etc etc.....and i still think the end result will be his announcement that he will NOT accept the nomination and that they will choose his replacement at the Convention........and it will have to be Kamala ..or else what's left of the loyal black vote will disappear.

I would never attack , bully or make light of someone in Joe's shoes......we ALL are on the same path and it's terribly sad to see the human mind and body deteriorate .....especially under the microscope and on the world's stage ......but he was an angry, arrogant, belligerent simpleton before his mental decline , and so i offer no empathy.........when i start showing signs of major decline, i just ask that someone turns my wheelchair to face the window and plays some Grateful Dead on the ipod....instead of sticking my in the corner listening to taylor ham.
2+3=Trumps a liar gosh darnit

Someone called my name you know I turned around to seeIt was midnight in the Mission and the bells were not for me.
Come again, walking along in the Mission in the rain,Come again, walking along in the Mission in the rain,
Ten years ago, I walked this street my dreams were riding tallTonight I would be thankful Lord, for any dream at all.
Some folks would be happy just to have one dream come trueBut everything you gather is just more that you can lose.

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