Friday, July 26, 2024

Stuck around St Petersburg

 When I saw it was a time for a change

Killed the Czar and his ministersAnastasia screamed in vain (Richards-Jagger)

Kamala doesn't want to be known as the border maybe we should start calling her Anastasia ?

it's interesting how for the past 3 1/2 years we have been complaining about the open borders and illegal immigrants coming into the country and  Majorcas, Biden, KJP and this administration have insisted the border is secure.....if that really was the case, then why are they ALL up in arms insisting Kamala was Not in Charge of the Border.... as if it were a bad thing ?.....if the border is secure and no illegals are coming in; then shouldn't Kamala want to OWN that and take credit ?

another odd argument by the demons is that the Republicans and Maga are lawless and a threat to is the Blue States and Cities that have ignored Federal Law , Local Law Enforcement and agencies like ICE....and instead hire, house,  and feed illegal aliens that crossed into our about a threat to democracy....they are literally picking and choosing which laws to follow........i am still waiting for a Republican City or State to Establish a Sanctuary for the unborn Fetus.......and say that we don't care to follow any fedeal abortion laws, we're just gonna do our own thing........sure all the libs would understand.

all i know is in the great State of Iowa there is a grass Roots movement afoot....spreading the word to the Hicks and Hayseeds.......2+3=BEEER

Pleased to meet youHope you guess my nameMm, yeahBut what's puzzling youIs the nature of my game

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