Sunday, July 21, 2024

The other day they waited

 The sky was dark and faded

Solemnly they stated, "He has to die"  (Weir-Kruetzman)

8 days after the assassination  attempt on Presidential Nominee Trump and we have more questions than answers......SS Director Kim Cheadle, aka the Pepsi Queen, held one call with lawmakers that conveniently  experienced technical difficulties during the Q&A.....can't make that up.....she then walk sprinted away from questions during the first night of the RNC and has not really been seen since.

let's see what happens tomorrow.......i am sure after 8 days of huddles in the swamp they have a new villian to blame.....maybe Trump Tax cuts are to blame.....or Fracking or Global warming or his proposal to NOT TAX TIPS........somehow they will connect the dots back to January 6th.

The American Public has a right to know what the hell happened...... incompetence ? apathy ? or Treason ? 

when did they first engage the shooter ? and what happened between that encounter and the first shot?

The fact that a SS sniper was able to get off a shot so quickly, (albeit a one in a million hit they are now saying) leads me to believe he had Matthew Crooks in his crosshairs did he need approval to shoot...did someone refuse to give him the green light ....or did he simply wait/freeze until Crooks shot first ? what is protocol in that situation ? 

I did see footage of Crooks walking around the building prior to the rally.....he doesn't seem concerned about being if he had permission to be there , almost as if he felt he was working with Law Enforcement/ SS......he was part of them....he didn't fear being detected by looks like he is scowering the building looking for a ladder or a way up to the roof.........these are just my observations....i hate conspiracy theories because i feel they cheapen the reality of what may or may not have happened......I want to believe that this was a lone freak ......i want to believe the security detail was lax , short staffed, ill prepared and perhaps lured into a false sense of security ......I don't want to believe this was planned....but the continued stonewalling and arrogance makes it difficult.

Kim Cheadle was on VP Joe Bidens's wife (the evil doctor) detail when Joe was VP......she retired from the SS and went to work as head of global security for Pepsi and she successfully prevented Coke from stealing their secret 2022....sleepy Joe and his wife brought Kim back and made her head of the Secret Service.....her stated goal was to increase the % of female agent to 30%....Kim Cheadle is obviously another Diversity and Equity promotion....she has been congratulated and patted on the back her whole life for having a pair of tits. She was probably never corrected or disciplined for being an idiot because in today's society you are not allowed to provide real feedback to a female or a minority, instead you tell them they are Great, Great, Great and then find some white male devil to cover their work while the female is at an awards ceremony or doing an interview.......Kim Cheadle is either an incompetent product of the DEI movement...OR...she is guilty of treason,...i doubt we will ever know for certain...but i am curious to see what she has to say tomorrow.

The summer sun looked down on himHis mother could but frown on himAnd all the other sound on himHe had to die, you know he had to die

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