Sunday, July 28, 2024

God Knows it's a struggle

God knows it’s a crime
God knows there’s gonna be no more water

But fire next time  (Dylan)

i'm not big on boycotts...and i try to never tell anyone what they should or should not do.....but i like to make people aware of things that may not have heard from the lying, deceitful main stream media and share my course of action.

Like an idiot i was actually planning on watching some of the Olympics.....things had been very quiet in the lead up and i figured with little else on the tube, i may put the games on each night to catch some of the track and field and a few other events aside form the basketball, professional tennis and lesbian soccer that is .

Thankfully on Friday i read on the internet that the opening ceremonies featured a group of mentally ill cross dressed men reenacting the last the Olympics ? ...why drag Jesus into this ?  like most of the mentally challenged they crave attention....but who signed off on this and why ? and what exactly did the Fake Pope do or say in response ?  Honestly i do not really care because i have moved on......i try to follow the teachings and the word of God as best we know it to be accurate....but i have moved on from the "MEN" that run the religion. I still believe in God, but i don't believe mankind.....but that;s for another for NBC and the Olympics ? oh well, they won't miss me.....but i did put a parental Block on all of the NBC channels and their affiliates that carry the games ....because i know the cable companies provide that info to add agencies.....the neilson ratings system is too perverted and manipulated to trust anymore....but if Verizon tells the agency that handles Ozempic that half a million people have blocked NBC....well they might rethink those 30 second spots next time around......

anyway I hope Alvarez wins a medal and tells the world from the podium that 2+3 odes in fact = BEEER

God knows there’s a purpose
God knows there’s a chance
God knows you can rise above the darkest hour
Of any circumstance
God knows there’s a heaven
God knows it’s out of sight
God knows we can get all the way from here to there
Even if we’ve got to walk a million miles by candlelight

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