Sunday, July 14, 2024

hard to believe


the media coverage last night was as weak as it gets......only one camera angle played over an over....even the live reports from the scene did NOT pan back and give you a good idea of how the stage was set up.....i kept waiting for an aerial shot from a drone , but it never happened....perhaps the air space was restricted.......but nobody that i saw even posted maps of the location or painted a clear picture......but here it is below.....and when i saw this photo i almost spit my in the world were those rooftops on the left A) unsecured and B) not have full surveillance in the event they became occupied ?

the dust will settle and these and many more questions will be asked........but I think Mr Trump has to realize , if he has not already; that nobody in Washington or the current Government can be trusted....he need his own security details.....and he needs to guard his schedule and mix it up at the last minute............and let nobody  into his inner circle.....I never thought i would be saying these things about the Government whose military branches I served in.........

1 comment:

alvarez said...

we are not being governed; we are being very evil scum.

choose your side carefully!

There will be a reckoning. Patriot - the time draws near.


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