Sunday, July 14, 2024

twas a dark day in Dallas- Nov 63

 The day that will live on in infamy

President Kennedy was riding high
A good day to be living and a good day to die
Being led to the slaughter like a sacrificial lamb
Say wait a minute boys, do you know who I am?
Of course we do, we know who you are
Then they blew off his head when he was still in the car
Shot down like a dog in broad daylight
‘Twas a matter of timing and the timing was right   (Dylan)

it was a shocking event that should have shocked nobody. This country is plagued by a lot of serious mental illness....some diagnosed and some scoffed at.........but Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real.....and no, i am not talking about the 20 year old kid that was "SELECTED" for this mission..( he was either brainwashed or was coerced, and then conveniently killed before he could tell the truth). I am talking about the establishment.........every branch......every industry.....every level......every man, woman or tranny that's involved......they are not afraid for the country , they are afraid for themselves. They are terrified that in his final term after being elected...this version of TRUMP will be very different than the version we saw from 2016-2020......That TRUMP was vying for 4 more years....this TRUMP will not hold back or contain himself...the gloves will come off....the "intelligence Community" will be gutted and torn down and rebuilt from the bottom up, middle out ( to please the libs) and the investigations will begin......Nancy-Chuck-Hillary-Spoonjiah- Big Mike-Oprah, all of them with their dirty little secrets....and the media will pay for their acts of censorship which amount to election ironic that they will be sentenced to the gallows for the crime they tried to pin on Trump.

Truth is we are one giant step closer to what i and so many others have warned about.....Martial Law and the cancelling/suspending of the election.....first they kill Biden...that won't be hard......and then they blame it on the MAGA crowd and claim it was revenge for the attempt on Trump........the cockroaches wil comes out of the woodwork.......bush, clinton, spoonjiah obama (the dog eater) drunken has been Mitch McConnell and all will say that the elitist need to select someone to guide the country until the violence and rhetoric have to admit....when i first floated this 18 months ago you probably laughed at my little Dog for suggesting this........but it's not so far fetched today,   not so crazy as 2+3=BEEER 

They mutilated his body and they took out his brainWhat more could they do? They piled on the painBut his soul's not there where it was supposed to be atFor the last fifty years they've been searchin' for thatFreedom, oh freedom, freedom over meI hate to tell you, mister, but only dead men are free

1 comment:

alvarez said...

minor correction - we don't have a media, they are democrat party stenographers...I now expect their audience to plummet to below zero...chreeeeese be my math tutor...2+3 = beer.
