Friday, January 14, 2022

sometimes i wish

 that i could STOP you from talking

When I hear the silly things that you say

I think somebody better put out the big light

'Cause I can't stand to see you this way (Elvis "the real king" Costello)

i don't recommend watching the news, but sometimes if you watch and you force your brain to listen; you hear the strangest things.....more and more politicians and athletes insist on stringing together words to sound like sentences or intelligent thoughts and nobody calls them out for their incoherent barbs

yesterday Vice President Kamel Toe sat down with liberal NBC news and ...wait for it.....a black reporter. (she rarely if ever gives interviews to white people...and then it almost always is a sympathetic female).and she was asked if it's time the administration admits their Covid Strategy is not working.

"It is time for us to do what we have been doing. And that time is every day. Every day it is time for us to agree that there are things and tools that are available to us to slow this thing down”

come again stymie?  what the fuck is she trying to say? reminds me of the movie airplane...with the airport announcement in the background of the opening credits......"The yellow zone is for loading and unloading passengers, there is no loading or unloading of passengers permitted in the yellow zone"

her comments are reminiscent of someone doing a book report on a book they haven't read.....or trying desperately to answer an essay question and meet the minimum word requirement.....good thing she met bidens only requirement for the job, a woman of color.

Alison, I know this world is killing you
Oh, Alison, my aim is true, my aim is true

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