Wednesday, August 28, 2024

In a land that's known as Freedom

 how can such a thing be fair (Graham Nash)

check your sanity at the door.....this episode of revisionist history is dizzying.

Ol Zuckerberg NOW says that the biden-harris administration pressured facebook to censor anything and everything that went against the Dear Leaders narrative on the China Flu....even jokes were to be suppressed........and the social media king went along for the ride.........he now regrets not speaking out and pushing back......could it be the arrest in France of Pavel Durov ( The Russian version of Elon Musk) the creator of European social media company Telegram ?  is the FB King reading the tea leaves and growing concerned that he may be jailed for his crimes by the next administration ? 

Missing from this mea culpa was an apology to all the people that were mocked, discarded and shamed for daring to speak out or even question the "official" narrative as written by Fauci the fraud.

What about all the doctors, nurses and medical professionals that raised serious questions (not accusations or lies, just questions) and were subsequently silenced , ridiculed and labeled for daring to speak ?   20 years after 9/11 the Govt is now handing out cash settlements to the throngs of people that have developed cancer and were in and around lower Manhattan on that day.......(still no charges against Christine "the air is fine" Whittman)  I wonder what the fallout will be if we ever learn the side effects of the vaccine , I wonder what that cash payout will be ........but what about those that lost their jobs and livelihoods ? not because they were insurrectionists but because they were reluctant to put something in their bodies that was untested.......where do they go to get the lives and credibility back ? 

Zuck also said they did in fact demote the Hunter Biden Lap top story because the FBI told them it was a fake.......oh well....water under the bridge....move on.........disgusting.

and Now Kamala is running ads with photos and videos of TRUMP's Wall ..........and NO , the uber progressive is not denouncing the wall between the US and Mexico , but rather she is playing on the stupidity of the average voter to somehow believe that she is in some way in favor of closing the mention in these ads that she has been in charge of the border the past 3 1/2 years.......silly facts and details...go away.

2+3=BEEER    and we will need plenty of it to get through this election cycle.

It's dying, if you believe in justiceIt's dying, if you believe in freedomIt's dying, let a man live his own lifeIt's dying, rules and regulations, who needs themThrow them out the door

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