Wednesday, August 07, 2024

Let me tell ya bout a man i knew

 He roamed the depth and the breadth of China

On a horse that he grew himselfFrom the bark of a tree on mainland China ( Kantner-Slick)

ah, good old Paul Kantner and the Jefferson Airplane......the silly drug fueled naïve infatuation with mythical china......maybe that's where the Great Walz of China began his worship of the Red menace... 

Tim Walz, aka the great Walz of China spent a full year living and teaching in the Guandong (no relation to King Kongdong) was part of a world teach program sponsored by Harvard........turn down the volumne...the alarm bells in the background are distracting.........old midwestern values Tim says he will never be treated as good in his life as he was while in China....."no matter how long i live" was his direct quote........" they gave me more gifts than i could bring home" he said..."it was a wonderful experience" fact he was so enamored with the "culture" that he spent his honeymoon in China....I had a great time in the Philippines , but that wasn't on my shortlist of places to go after my nuptials....weird.

More concerning is the fact that the squad of anti-American, moslem loving miscreants in congress seem to love this guy.....maybe because he sat quietly why the BLM mobs burned down Minneapolis , even though he was the Governor of the state during the Sleepy Floyd riots......he waited 3 days before finally giving in to then President Trumps urging to mobilize the National Guard....telling one reporter. "why would we bring in a bunch of heavily armed 19 year old cooks to deal with peaceful protests"....maybe because he equates Socialism with being a good neighbor......maybe because he established a hotline to snitch on your neighbors that weren't following his draconian mandates during the china Flu......maybe because he signed an executive order making Minnesota a refuge for Trans Teens and gender affirming care ....or maybe because he is one of the strongest advocates for No strings abortion in the country.......anyone, any age, any term.....he went so far as to pass legislation ensuring abortion doctors could not be arrested for any reason in connection with said about unlimited immunity.

But my favorite tidbit for this douchebag parade is the crowing by the left that he's a Military Man......really ?   well he did serve 24 years as a member of the Army Reserve......collecting a check to go to summer camp and spend occasional weekends living on base and stuffing his fat face........and he was sooo dedicated to his lifelong mission that he abruptly quit in 2005.........shortly after learning that his reserve unit was slated to deploy to Iraq ......his unit was so enraged by this cowardly betrayal that they united to campaign against him 15 years later when he ran for Governor........tells me all i need to know about his lack of character. 

the funniest or most ironic thing is that these are all leftists ideas....the bread and butter of the Demonrat party.....this is their guy....they are liberal and he is a champion of the Liberal agenda.......celebrate and support that fact...right ?

Wrong......the strangest thing about the dems is they are the Apostle Peter.....they Deny, Deny, Deny that they are who they are.......they bent over backwards calling their Liberal Champion a Midwestern Moderate, a farmer. a good old middle of the road egg.........why ?   if your policies are better for America, then why Deny that they are your policies....why try to mislead,  lie and change your stripes for the camera ? matter how hard they try to blend in with the visitors leaving Rikers, the truth is they have been spotted and identified and the American people KNOW and will be faced with a decision.......this election will tell us a Lot about the Future of our Nation......stolen votes aside....if the nation chooses her and him.......then we deserve whatever we get.

i'm starting to think that 2+3 just might equal Whiskey 

And he had a time yes he had the time of his life in China
He carried strife and harmony to all the people on the mainland

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